Welcome back, beautiful humans!
I am eager to share this week’s podcast episode with you because this topic allowed me to explore and learn more, and I think you might feel the same way. Today, I am approaching the Dominant Dogma of Fast Cash; the narrative that sells us on the idea we can make heaps of money with some simple “step-by-step plan.”
But, if you’re a creative business owner, you probably have a different experience, and you’re probably ready and anxious to break free from the toxic narratives that push us toward fear and away from ourselves.
I got you. For real, there are some juicy journal prompts in this one.
Let’s get to it!
In this episode, I’ll explore:
- The icky feelings behind Fast Cash Dominant Dogma and how it taps into our shame and fear
- The systemic issue behind our craving of — and difficulty achieving — financial stability
- How we can find freedom in a new way forward, incorporating regenerative and sustainable business practices
- Some in-depth journal prompts that can help us process our relationship to this Dominant Dogma (and find freedom without it)
- And I’ll give you a reminder that you CAN do this — without all the manipulative bullshit
Listen to the episode wherever you like to listen to your podcasts
Hello, hello, creative humans! Today I am writing to you from my dining room table. It’s a beautiful spring day, so I have the sliding door open, moving delicious fresh air through my space. My pup is curled up in a blanket on the chair next to me, and I have a mug of decaf coffee directly in front of me. I feel grounded and cozy in a new sweatshirt my partner got me that still has that ultra-soft texture cocooning my skin.
As I notice my surroundings, I encourage you to do the same. Notice where you are, the textures around you, the colors, and the sounds. Simply notice what is present for you, not judging or labeling any sensation or object as good or bad. Simply noticing, witnessing, and allowing all parts of yourself and your experience to the table.
Today, our focus is discussing the Dominant Dogma of Fast Cash. The narrative that says you can earn six figures in six months using a specific six-step plan. We’ve all seen the headlines preaching Dogma like this, and we’ve all thought, “if it was this easy, wouldn’t everyone be doing it??” and yet…many of us get caught up in the hype.
Here are a few of the headlines I found during my research on this topic:
- How to Make 6-FIGURES In Your Small Business! (I did it in 1-year…)
- 6-Figure Marketing Blueprint: 8 Proven Tactics Small Business Owners Can Use To Generate Up to $200K in Under 2 Years!
- 5 Key Strategies to Implement for A Successful 6-Figure Business
- 10 Instagram Marketing Strategies To Make You 6 Figures
The list goes on and on, with articles in Forbes and Entrepreneur, books on Amazon, and thousands of podcast episodes dedicated to this topic: How YOU can make six figures fast. It’s a narrative that’s hard to avoid and that brings up shame for many due to their hard work without the promised results.
Within the books, podcast episodes, and programs selling secret formulas to six figures, online personalities and influencers make their unique and often privileged rise to multi-six figures look so yummy and easy we can’t help but think their plan must work. However, as we’ve discussed in other episodes, sustainable business typically takes time to grow. Yes, you may shoot to six figures, and also, if you don’t, there is nothing wrong with you. As stated by Daniel Rosehill, “The Only Meaningful Income Is The One You Need To Make.” – source That said, I also recognize within some states and cities, it’s becoming more and more of a necessity to make at least six figures to meet your needs, which for many is why that six-figure mark is so enticing.
The humans writing these six-figure formulas share these messages of fast cash because they know it’s what many people are craving. They feed off your need for financial stability to fund their international travels and brand-name clothing.
The toxicity of this Dominant Dogma goes deep because the truth is, while six figures sound catchy and thrilling, your need for financial stability points to an even greater disparity in the culture at large.
In the United States, 2022 inflation rates, as shown in March 2022, are the highest they have been (a rise of 8.5%) since 1981 – source, while at the same time, median household income decreased by 2.9% between 2019 and 2020 – source. This need for six figures and financial stability is a systemic issue, and the Dominant Dogma selling you false claims of financial success is feeding off of the wound.
So how do you hand back the message of fast cash if this Dogma is so deeply rooted in systemic disparity and your need for financial stability?
The Freedom on The Other Side: Sustainable & Regenerative Business
While being aware of the fight-or-flight nervous system response that often exists around this topic (please tend to yourself as needed), I do believe that handing back this Dominant Dogma starts with living your freedom now and learning to grow a business sustainably, with integrity, and with heaps of self-compassion.
It takes TIME for folks to see you, resonate with you, and determine if your product or service is the right fit for them. As you share your message and implement your strategy, find the sweet spot that is sustainable for you to be in it for the long haul. Not feeling bitter when you hear crickets or becoming overly attached to the results. Instead, invite spaciousness and consent. Allow your people to say no, not yet, and ask questions. In this, you will find your truly integral and aligned yeses.
Sometimes, to cultivate this level of spaciousness and consent, this looks like having a part-time job to support you while you give your business time to develop an audience and grow sustainably. There is NOTHING wrong with this! Dominant Dogma likes to convince us that we’re behind or failing if we need a supplemental job, but it’s not true.
Instead, having that cushion allows you to be energetically clean as you show up in your business and put your message out into the world. It allows you to run your business with integrity and give it the time it needs to grow deep and sustainable roots so it can thrive for years to come.
Stay at it, be resilient, and cultivate the conditions which allow you to do so sustainably.
To help further explore and integrate today’s Freedom I have a few journal prompts:
- How can you deeply tend to your nervous system when you can feel your survival self kick in?
- How can you cultivate moments of luxury in your life right here and now (this could be as simple as lighting a candle or drinking a glass of your favorite beverage).
- Who is around you or within your spaces that you can ask for help, ask for a referral, or simply connect with for the sake of experiencing freedom in your relationships?
- What would you be doing if you knew you already had enough money coming in? Sometimes our judgment gets so clouded with the “shoulds” and “have to’s” that we forget the vision we had for our business.
- Do you need a side job to help keep things rolling while giving your business time to thrive?
- What is in your control right now when it comes to your business and bringing in the money you both desire and need? What do you have the capacity to act on?
If this Dogma of fast cash is something you find yourself caught in, I recommend listening to episodes #6 and #9 of this podcast. I share more practical tips on sustainable business and integral marketing in those episodes. Additionally, you can download my FREE Integral Sales & Marketing Masterclass on my website. Visit megscolleen.com to access the Masterclass now.
And that is what I want to leave you with today. Sustainable business is possible, monetary success (whatever that looks and feels like for you) is possible, thriving is possible, and we can do it on our terms (i.e. none of this manipulative bullshit!).
All right, I’ll see you next week!
Freedom is yours,
Pull Quotes:
“The humans writing these six-figure formulas share these messages of fast cash because they know it’s what many people are craving. They feed off your need for financial stability to fund their international travels and brand-name clothing.”
“While six figures sound catchy and thrilling, your need for financial stability points to an even greater disparity in the culture at large.”
“I do believe that handing back this Dominant Dogma starts with living your freedom now and learning to grow a business sustainably, with integrity, and with heaps of self-compassion.”
“Sustainable business is possible, monetary success (whatever that looks and feels like for you) is possible, thriving is possible, and we can do it on our terms.”
Mentions & More:
- Daniel Rosehill’s insights on six-figure culture
- Some sexy statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (AKA inflation numbers)
- A few more sexy statistics, but this time from the Census Bureau (AKA income and poverty numbers)
- My Creative Business Accelerator: On My Terms
- My FREE Integral Sales & Marketing Masterclass for you to download NOW
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