Hey there, freethinker!
Live Your Freedom Now isn’t just a catchy slogan, it’s a way of life that I lead my client’s through and that I seek to live by as I go about my (currently very brimming-full) life. As we approach winter and the new year, I realize that I have been sharing with you tools and understanding on this concept on the podcast for 9 months now. 9 MONTHS!
Living your freedom is the path to handing back the Dominant Dogma which is no longer serving you and noticing where you have choice to live in rebellion of the narratives you’ve heard about what it has to look like to thrive and succeed.
I go into the details of this personal freedom strategy, and I want to invite you back into it if you’ve gotten caught again in Dominant Dogma. Join me in this re-released episode!
Let’s go back to the start. In this episode, I speak on:
- What it actually means when I use the term “Live Your Freedom Now”
- A quick review of what I mean by Dominant Dogma and how it keeps you from personal freedom
- Why your personal freedom is your greatest and most pure form of rebellion
- Practically examining personal freedom through Dr. Andy Fisher’s framework of Modern Disconnection
- A brief overview of my 5 Practices of Freedom to apply to your life
- How you can work with me closely through this process inside my group and one-on-one coaching space
Listen to the episode wherever you like to listen to your podcasts.
Hello hello creative humans, I’m so excited to be back here with you for another episode of Live Your Freedom Now. Today I am writing from my living room, it’s early in the morning and I have the fireplace on, a warm cup of decaf coffee sitting beside me, and I’m curled up on our elongated couch watching the gray cloudy sky slowly come to life.
As we begin today’s episode, I invite you to also notice your surroundings. Notice the textures, colors, light, and weight of where you are and what is around you. Notice the freedom you have of embarking on this practice, a practice that no one can take away from you.
Today, I am talking about what it actually means to Live Your Freedom Now.
In our first two episodes, we discussed how due to capitalism, colonialism, tribalism, and other hierarchical “power over” systems you have been sold a singular vision of thriving and success. A vision that requires you to uphold specific Dominant Dogma in order to stay safe and belong.
As a reminder: Dominant Dogma is a term I coined to encompass all the cultural narratives and beliefs which externally, and subsequently internally as adaptive strategies, tell you who you’re supposed to be, how to do it, and what you need to buy to live that out.
Live Your Freedom Now is a path to hand back the Dominant Dogma which is no longer serving you.
In essence, it’s a sort of, “stick it to the man” concept where instead of buying into the narratives which say you need something outside of you to be enough, to be free, to belong, and to achieve, you stop things in their tracks and state the opposite: I am free, whole, worthy, and I belong…right here and now.
To explain this deeper I want to share an excerpt from my upcoming book Live Your Freedom Now:
“In the past, I believed that something and everything outside of me was what I needed to be *enough*. On a daily basis I had narratives inside my head and within my world telling me: You need more confidence, but in order to be more confident, you need to look confident with that fancy and expensive new capsule wardrobe. You need to know more, but in order to know more, you need that extra certification, degree, or online course. You need to be saved, but in order to be saved you need a saviour. You need to belong, but in order to belong you need to follow the Dominant Dogma of your subculture. I bought into this lack mentality, consistently believing I was not enough, I was broken, I needed to be rescued. I believed in a solution outside of me, a product outside of me, a guru outside of me, a Dominant Dogma outside of me. Now I have come home to me. To my intuition, my ability to choose, and I know I am already enough. Moreover, you are enough too.”
In my life I have learned the simple truth that living my liberation in the present IS my rebelion.
Living my freedom and my wholeness NOW is my act of “sticking it to the man”, the systems, the Dominant Dogmas.
Live Your Freedom Now is reclaiming your wholeness. Reclaiming your enoughness. Reclaiming your right to be human.
My coaching philosophy is built on deep trust and the belief that each of us is at our core, whole. That you are whole.
I believe that there is much injustice and harm in the world due to Dominant Dogma, unhealthy patterns, and unhealed trauma, and my goal as a coach and human is to play a part in collective healing by guiding folks like you back to themselves, back to this wholeness and freedom. I’m here to support you as a helping, healing, and high-achieving human so you can reclaim your soul self, and together we can drop the act and live from a place of sovereignty and wholehearted humanity. We are constantly co-creating with the world around us, and this Freedom Journey is taking ownership of the co-creation.
It’s no longer letting the world happen to us. It’s living our freedom now.
So, what does this look like practically?
Dr. Andy Fisher, an ecopsychologist and scholar teaches a model of Modern Disconnection which I believe largely overlaps with my own 5 Practices of Freedom and how we can live our Freedom now.
Within his model, he shares a triangle where at the top is our psyche, the lower right-hand corner is nature, and the left-hand corner is society and history. Each of these points connects to form a whole, our wholeness, however, within his diagram he shows small lines, “breaking” our connection to each of these points.
It is my belief that the harmful systems, patterns, and Dominant Dogma (both internal and external) are those breaking points. They are what keep us from functioning as a whole and integrated ecosystem, both within ourselves and as a collective.
Dr. Fisher teaches that in order to re-establish the connection between our psyche, nature, society, and history, we must be willing to evaluate the breaking points, travel first through the stories of our society and history, then re-develop our relationship with nature and our own inner wildness.
Similarly, my 5 Practices of Freedom, guide us to first question the narratives we’ve been told and that we carry with us from society and our history. Then we re-develop our connection and belief in self. And finally, establish new integral beliefs and narratives which support self, others, and the planet.
Specifically, these 5 Practices Of Freedom are Playful Curiosity, Non-Judgement & Awareness, Self-Trust, Integrity & Congruence, and Resilience.
Each of these Practices points us back to wholeness.
Back to freedom.
And as these two frameworks share, it is a journey that takes time and dedication, however, you can always ground into the simple mantra: Live Your Freedom Now.
In our past two episodes, I shared a quote from Dr. Edith Eger, and I’m going to share it one more time here: “The only place where we can exercise our freedom of choice is in the present.” ― Dr. Edith Eger
The message of Live Your Freedom Now is a shift in perspective to evaluate the internalized Dominant Dogma you have been living from so that you can realign with your inner wildness as you feel ready. This shift in perspective, and this movement, is a grounding point, a relatively accessible way to move forward. Take what serves you and leave the rest.
That conscious choice of taking what serves you and leaving the rest is already Living Your Freedom Now.
I’m going to wrap up here today, but I will be right back here next week, and if you want to take this learning deeper I encourage you to visit my website megscolleen.com and download my free Freedom Manifesto! Additionally, you can view the circular map of my 5 Practices Of Freedom within the How To Live Free program sales page also on my website.
All right, I’ll see you next week!
Freedom is yours,
Mentions & More:
- Dr. Edith Eger quote: “The only place where we can exercise our freedom of choice is in the present.”
- Dr. Andy Fisher’s model of Modern Disconnection
- An invitation to seek out my FREE Freedom Manifesto, which you can download NOW
- Send me the Dominant Dogma in your life to request I discuss it on a future episode of the podcast! Email me at megan@megscolleen.com or shoot me a DM on instagram: @megscolleen
- My 1:1 coaching series. Book a FREE clarity call with me to get started: https://megscolleen.com/book-a-free-call/
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