It’s the month of love!
Ok, so I know not everyone is into Valentine’s Day and all the hype that comes with it, but as a community of Sovereign Reclaimers I would be remiss if I did not urge us to also reclaim and reinvent this season.
So let’s talk intimacy (yes, we’re going there…but really where is, “there”?)
Intimacy: The state of being intimate.
Intimate: Associated in close personal relations.
Recently, I had a realization that different layers and beliefs within my upbringing taught me a perceived level of intimacy with others, that was often not entirely accurate.
I was taught, and celebrated, as I connected with those around me by oversharing deep and complex parts of my human experience. Sometimes this turned out completely fine, but over time this developed a pattern of perceived intimacy and trust where in reality the loyalty and safety of true connection is most often developed over time, not in an intimacy pressure cooker. Because of this experience where my oversharing and outsourcing my own inner knowings was celebrated, I have since had to (and continue to) learn that I am allowed to keep parts of myself hidden. I am allowed to require consent in every aspect of my life. I am allowed to own…myself.
Love, as you enter this “month of love”, I encourage you to ask yourself:
︎︎︎ What does true intimacy mean to YOU?
︎︎︎ What does trust actually look like for you?
︎︎︎ What does true belonging look and feel like to you?
︎︎︎ How do you know when you can deeply trust and depend on someone?
As you ponder these questions, the next step is noticing where you desire to establish or re-assert boundaries in your life and here’s the thing: Boundaries don’t have to be walls (though they can be as needed), they are actually beautiful invitations into deeper intimacy with mutual consent and connection. They are a safe container for empowered relationships.
Remember, you are your own. Let us hold space for ourselves and welcome those who meet us, respectfully, there.
Take this conversation deeper AND take your pleasure practice to the next level with this month’s podcast guest Lauren Scott! Lauren is an Eco Therapist, Sex Coach, Roller skater and book nerd who works in the areas of trauma, sex healing and feminine wholeness with various mentors to deepen her understanding and connection to the Divine. She uses the power of pleasure to connect us to ourselves and each other, and we are so lucky to learn from her!
Lauren’s Links & Resources:
Lauren’s Link Tree