Hello, hello!
Welcome back. I am thrilled to share Episode 4 of the Live Your Freedom Now podcast with you. This week, I’m digging into what “Living Your Freedom Now” actually looks like in practice — and what it doesn’t look like, too. I’ll be sharing a meditative story from my experience and a few client examples as we embark on this liberating journey.
In this episode, we talk about:
- The beauty and unique nature of our personal freedom
- What living your freedom looks and feels like
- What living your freedom doesn’t look and feel like
- A little meditative story about a moment at the lake
- My story as a people pleaser, and how I’ve come to reclaim my freedom
- Choosing to liberate yourself, and ultimately, play your part in collective healing
Hello creative humans, today I am writing to you once again from my office. I am sitting in my velvet green chair, my unicorn mug in hand, full of delicious warm coffee to support my rising and writing this morning. The sun is showing its face today, streaming through the window and placing its light on a little bookshelf I have full of memories, manifestation lists, and items from beloved ancestors.
As always, I invite you to also notice your surroundings. Notice the textures, colors, light, and weight of where you are and what is around you. Notice the freedom you have of embarking on this practice, a practice that no one can take away from you.
Today, we are going to chat about what’s possible and why this podcast is worth listening to. Essentially, I want to paint a picture of what Living Your Freedom Now actually looks and feels like. However, I think it’s important to also speak what Living Your Freedom Now is not.
Unfortunately, these days, in increasing numbers and in expanding subcultures, freedom has been bastardized into a harmful Dominant Dogma of its own. It’s been made into a mantra for inhumane action and used as an excuse to act without regard.
Within this podcast and within my practice, I am seeking to bring humanity and regard back into our personal freedom journeys. I do not condone the growing bastardization of Freedom, however, I understand that in order to bring humanity back into polarized spaces we need to hold the both/and. We need to listen. With that in mind, in these podcast conversations, I trust you to tend to your own energy and take responsibility for your needs as we evaluate the Dominant Dogma in our world. I am not here to offer clear-cut answers for political crisis, I’m here to help you question the paradigm of lack that you’ve been sold so you can find liberation in present.
So, with this in mind, what IS possible? What does this “Freedom Now” actually look and feel like?
To explain this, I want to take you on a journey…
On this journey, I invite you to pause for a moment.
If you have capacity, perhaps close your eyes, or soften your gaze, and take a deep breath. If you are driving or operating machinery, please know that I will be telling a story in a meditative tone. Take care and be mindful.
Now, I invite you to imagine you’re standing at the edge of a lake, a small fishing dock laid out before you. Behind and around you is a quiet forest, with dirt paths all leading down to the waters. Breathing deeply you feel the fresh air filling your lungs and you softly close your eyes. You hear the green leaves whispering and dancing on the soft wind, the water gently shifting and swaying as it laps against the small dock at your feet.
A gentle droplet from the sky hits your face and you hear the beginnings of a rainstorm reaching the water. Opening your eyes you see the growing number of raindrops touching the water causing thousands of small ripples across the surface of the lake.
You breathe deep and step out onto the dock. Leaving the cover of the trees the many droplets now coat you in their warm summer temperature as though inviting you into their song, their dance, their oneness.
You make your way to the end of the dock and sit with your feet just touching the lake and its symphony of rain droplets. Then, taking a deep breath, you begin to sing. A deep belly-driven song. Without the worry of being heard, without even noticing if a soul was present, just singing, and crying, and becoming one with the symphony of nature.
You feel deeply connected.
Filled with sadness and joy and creativity all at once.
Like your lost parts have been found, integrated, reclaimed.
You feel…whole.
I now invite you, if your eyes were closed, to return to your body, wiggle your fingers and toes, and open your eyes.
This story, that I just shared with you, was me. Roughly 14 years old. Noticing the oneness of the universe around me. Noticing the freedom, the possibility, I could experience when I allowed all parts of me to the table. Noticing the power I had to Live My Freedom Now.
I wish I could say I held on to that learning and that experience, but I had much to learn before, surrounding, and after my, “Lake Experience,” to give the story a title.
I navigated a lot of confusion and deep inner turmoil. Enmeshment, narcissistic abuse, and additional traumatic experiences, both as a young person and as a growing adult, caused me to become a shape-shifter of sorts. In order to feel safe, I became a “people pleaser”, I learned how to fit the boxes, the Dominant Dogma, of my subculture, and I taught myself to distrust my intuition. Ultimately, I became a ghost of who I truly am….and who I knew I could be.
As the years went on I faced different seasons and lessons which resulted in reaching out for support.
With the guidance of my therapists, coaches, and mentors I began to integrate my fragmented parts. I returned to wholeness and in turn reclaimed my freedom. I learned how to set boundaries, take up space, and step into personal responsibility, in life, and in business. I learned how to become my own healer, my own authority, my own business advisor, my own responsibility, my own leader and I discovered… anything is possible.
I believe this for you too.
But don’t just take it from me, here is how some of my clients have experienced Freedom after embarking on their own journey (Please note: Some names mentioned have been altered for anonymity):
- Emily handed back Dominant Dogma saying: Put Your Head Down. Keep Pushing. Keep Working. She knew the lifestyle Dominant Dogma had created for her was unsustainable and for the sake of her mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing she reached out for help and began co-creating a new path for her future. Specifically, within a month of our time coaching together, Covid-19 resulted in job cuts at her work, but because of her bravery to pursue a more aligned life, she had already lined up freelance work and new business partnerships to support her thriving. By leaning in and choosing her freedom, she also reclaimed her future.
- Michelle* handed back Dominant Dogma saying: You’re Not Enough. Michelle knew, somehow, she didn’t have to navigate life, motherhood, or her creative love of writing from this place. Through powerful and aligned action she handed back the Dominant Dogma, developed a new relationship with her inner critic, and redefined what it looked like for her to be a mamma of three. By living her freedom now, Michelle reclaimed her worth, then, utilizing her newfound self-confidence she successfully launched a writing class for local mothers in her area!
*client name altered for anonymity.
Ultimately, Living Your Freedom Now can result in many life shifts, both personally and as a ripple effect to those around you.
I believe on the individual level when you begin your Freedom Journey you are choosing your own liberation.
I believe on the collective and global level when you embark on your Freedom Journey you are choosing to help liberate and heal the planet.
When you no longer buy into the Dominant Dogma keeping you small, you play a part in collective healing.
This is where I’m going to wrap up for today, and next week we’ll pick back up as I share where we will be going from here.
Freedom is yours!
Pull Quotes:
“I am not here to offer clear-cut answers for political crisis, I’m here to help you question the paradigm of lack that you’ve been sold so you can find liberation in present.”
“I learned how to become my own healer, my own authority, my own business advisor, my own responsibility, my own leader and I discovered… anything is possible.”
“I believe on the collective and global level when you embark on your Freedom Journey you are choosing to help liberate and heal the planet.”
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