Hello freethinkers,
This month, we’re digging into something new. I wanted to transition into a place where the content I share with you comes from a central theme; one that brings expansiveness, mindfulness, and truth. A theme that helps you reclaim your power and write a new story.
You are worthy of being heard.
I think we all have a story within us that has told us that our voice doesn’t matter.
Mine takes place in a courtroom when I was just a little girl. I was eight years old when I sat in the judge’s chambers, carrying the weight of a decision that should never have been mine to make: which parent we needed to be with and how often we saw the other.
I spoke honestly and did my best but quickly understood that the judge already had a decision in mind.
From this experience, I memorized the story that my voice did not matter. That I was not good enough. Unfortunately, this experience was integral in my understanding of how the world worked, in whether my voice mattered, in whether I was safe to be my full, true self.
I know we all have experiences of this magnitude. My life’s work is to help us reclaim these stories we have internalized, honor and learn from them, and to walk side by side with our past selves as we choose a new path.
Little Megan, Adolescent Megan — these courageous versions of me, they were all just doing their best. Now, Integrated Megan has the opportunity to honor their stories, learn from them, and write a new story.
If you’re on a similar journey (we all are!), I have some tools to guide you along this month!
First, I invite you to kick off October with my free hypnotic meditation. This can be found on Insight Timer!
Second, I want to remind you of my enrollment offerings for the holidays! This is an amazing space to take things deeper if we’ve worked together before, test the waters if coaching is brand new to you, and ultimately, step into the holidays with unshakeable self-assurance.
Take that, scary family dinners!
The Voxer Sessions: Holiday Edition will be enrolling until October 31 – Enrollment is CLOSED.
Stay tuned for more fun content this month that helps us unpack, reclaim and elevate our voices. You are worthy of beauty, healing, and empowerment. Let’s get there together.

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